And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan. – (Luke 17: 15-16)
The Bible tells us that as these ten men went to show themselves to the priests, they were cleansed. This was, indeed, a miracle on the way. Now, after the miracle was over, there are some things here that we cannot over look. Notice…
Percentage: Jesus cleansed ten lepers, but only one of them returned to give thanks. That’s a ten percent return on a one hundred percent result. Jesus had twelve disciples and one of them was a devil. This should prepare us for the fact that we will seldom have a one hundred percent positive response from our efforts.
Publicly: Just as he had lifted up his voice in public and asked for mercy, this man lifted up his voice in public and gave Jesus thanks and praise. It is interesting how some people can be so loud and boisterous when it comes to asking for help and then, be so silent when it comes time for giving credit, thanks and praise.
Posture: This man was not only loud, he was on his knees at the feet of Jesus when he praised Him. He placed himself at the feet of Jesus as a sign of humility and as a sign of utter dependence upon Him. Many want to see His face, but few are willing to first bow at His feet.
Person: The man we are talking about was a Samaritan. Jesus makes this remark because the people to whom He was talking would have disdained Samaritans as immoral heathens with false faith and crooked religion. Yet, it was such a person that made sure He gave Jesus praise. It was a miracle that this man was cleansed and that even this kind of man would give Jesus the praise.
Giving us a miracle is not the most Jesus can do, but giving Him the praise for it is the least we can do.