A Time of War

A Time of War

“a time of war…” (Ecclesiastes 3: 8)

The preacher of Ecclesiastes does not write that there is a time for disagreement, misunderstanding or a slight difference of opinion. The word says: “There is a time for war.” That’s bucks, bullets, battle and bloodshed! Not even soldiers want war, but the reason we have them is because we understand that, like it or not, there is a time for war.

The drum beat of war is in the air in our nation. The sound of sabers rattling and fighter jets scrambling can already be heard in distant lands. The question arises: Is this time for war? When is it a time for war?

When there is something worth fighting for. We are wronged on a regular basis, but just because you were cut off in traffic does not mean it is a time for war. This is why we must learn to pick our battles. Only irreplaceable things, invaluable things and vital things are worth fighting for.

When diplomacy works no more. The first course of action in attempting to settle a dispute should be discussion and diplomacy. War should be the very last option. God help us if our strategy is to bomb first and ask questions later. However, when talking does not solve the problem and tempers refuse to be tempered, war erupts.

When there is something worth dying for. Fighting is one thing. Dying is another. Yet, there are times when the only way to save a life of peace is to be willing to risk life in war. Safety, life, food, water, natural resources, energy supply, freedom, equality, self-determination are merely a few examples of what is worth dying for. We enjoy many of these today because somebody went to war on our behalf and died in our place.