… a time to be born… (Ecclesiastes 3: 2) – Of the dozens of books I have been blessed to write across the years, my favorite is Divine Babies. As its subtitle suggests, it is about how to give birth to the blessing God has conceived inside of you.
A divine baby “is any idea, any vision, any dream, any gift, any talent or any ministry which is conceived by God, carried by you and blesses other people.” In this powerful book, I argue that most of us are carrying at least one unborn divine baby.
We have something inside of us that is greater than us. We bear something within us that clearly came from outside of us. We sense something that saturates us which is bound to change the world around us. The only problem is that after having had that divine baby implanted, after years of gestation, for some reason we are walking around pregnant and still haven’t given birth. Maybe, we doubt its divine origin. Perhaps, we are afraid of the pain of delivery. It could be that we are reluctant to raise it. Whatever the reason may be, we are walking around with something terrific, bubbling, brewing and bursting inside of us.
Remember that part of the definition of a divine baby is that it is carried by you to bless other people. God did not give that baby to you just for you. It is for somebody other than you. As you read these words today, please accept them as my personal encouragement to you. Go ahead, write that book. Go ahead, start that ministry. Go ahead, open that business. Go ahead, build that church. Go ahead, register for college. You have been pregnant long enough. The world is waiting. It is time for your divine baby to be born.