“and a time to dance…” (Ecclesiastes 3: 4) – All dancing is not dirty. In fact, like so many others things which have been stolen from the people of God, dancing is a sacred activity actually suggested and sanctioned by God. Remember that the Psalmist said: “Praise Him with the timbrel and dance.” (Psalm 150: 4.)
Many are ashamed to dance because they don’t do it well. Some are embarrassed to dance because they are afraid of what others might think. Then, more don’t dance because their puritanical Christian background makes them see all dancing as sinful. In spite of all of that, saved or not, Holy Ghost filled or not, this text declares there is a time to dance. When is it time to dance?
Dance at Deliverance
When Israel crossed the Red Sea, Miriam danced. (Exodus 15: 20) After four hundred years of slavery and a miraculous deliverance, nothing less than dancing was in order.
Dance at Presence
When the Ark of the Covenant was returned to Jerusalem, King David danced before the Lord with all his might. (II Samuel 6: 14) He made such a spectacle of himself that it embarrassed his wife. Still, the King did not even care when he considered the grace and mercy of the God in whose presence he was privileged to stand.
Dance at Remembrance
Above, Psalm 150: 4 was quoted as saying: “Praise Him with the timbrel and dance.” There is, though, another verse in this psalm which deserves at least as much attention. It is verse 2 which says: “Praise Him for His mighty acts.” This is the reason we are dancing in the first place. We recognize and remember His mighty acts towards us.
Dance at Existence
Simply being alive is justification to dance. (Psalm 118: 24) When you consider those who have passed and those who are breathing, but unable to move, it makes you want to dance –just because. You may not have the rhythm, but you do have a reason!
Yes, there is a time dance, a place to dance and a way to dance. The words of Sanders and Siller, sung by Lee Womack, put it best: I hope you never lose your sense of wonder, You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger. May you never take one single breath for granted, God forbid love ever leave you empty handed. I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean, Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens. Promise me that you’ll give faith a fighting chance, And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance. I hope you dance. I hope you dance.