A time to gain, and a time to lose… (Ecclesiastes 3: 6)
Among the many recurring cycles in life is the cycle of gains and losses. We gain weight and lose the ability to wear our favorite clothes. We gain a raise at work and, then lose money in the stock market. We gain a new grandchild and, then in the same year, lose a grandma. It seems as if each of our gains is closely followed by a loss.
Ironically, though, not all gains are good and not all losses are bad. Gaining too much fluid on your lungs is not good, but losing high cholesterol is good. Gaining dependence on pills is not good, but losing an addiction is good. Gaining stress is not good, but losing fear is good. Either way, here are a few insights we can receive from gains and losses:
1). Gain from the gains. While you have gains, profit from them, save them and enjoy them. As the Prime Minister of Egypt, Joseph proved that if you properly handle your gains, you will never lack in lean times.
2). Learn from the losses. Every loss is not your fault, yet every loss has a lesson to teach. Instead of lamenting the loss, learn from the loss and ask God to show you how even the loss can be turned into a gain.
3). Prioritize gains and losses. Jesus teaches us that the key to gains and losses is knowing which things are worth gaining and which are better to lose. Otherwise, we might spend our entire life pursuing objects which we really should never have and, then, never seek to gain the very things we really ought to have. Jesus summarized it this way: 35 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. 36 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? (Mark 8: 35-36)