“a time to heal…” (Ecclesiastes 3: 3)
Unfortunately, the hurts which we experience in life are many. That is why it is such a blessing to know that even though these hurts are real, there is a time to heal. A time when old wounds will be closed. A time when persisting pain will be relieved. A time when salty tears of sorrow will be turned to tears of joy. A time when deep dark depression is transformed into jubilant celebration. This time of healing comes due to:
1). Passive healing. There are just some wounds that get better all by themselves. The best prescription is to just leave them alone. In this case, there is not only a time to heal, but it is simply time that does the healing.
2). Active healing. Here, while healing is called for and is possible, it must come after active, intentional intervention. The surgeon must operate. The therapist must support. The patient must take the medicine. This healing does not just happen. Steps must be taken to make it happen.
3). Divine healing. There are hurts that only God can heal. Time can’t do it. Doctors can’t do it. Counseling can’t do it. Only God can do it. When it comes, we know it is a miracle. Certain marriages can only be restored by divine healing. Certain wayward children can only come home by divine healing. Certain terminal illnesses can only be reversed by divine healing. Lost souls can only be saved by divine healing.
You have born the hurt long enough. This is no time to be licking your wounds. This is the time to be loosed from the pain of your wounds. Now is the time to start the process and take the necessary steps to heal.