For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock. (Psalm 27: 5).
When it comes to adversity, there are times when your best bet and only option is to stand and fight. Then, there are other times, when common sense tells you to run! We have been told time and time again by meteorologists as they predict severe storms: “Don’t be a hero. Run from the flood and hide from the wind.” There is no shame in running to a refuge in the time of trouble, especially if that refuge is God.
David was no chump. He even slew a giant or two. Yet, he also knew that sometimes, when trouble came, he just had to run. When he did have to run, he could always find refuge in the Lord’s pavilion. He found solace in the secret place of the Lord’s tabernacle. He found safety upon the Lord’s high rock.
Running to God as a refuge gives you a break from the adversity. Running to God as a refuge gives you a shelter in the time of storm. Running to God as a refuge gives you the fuel and fire to go back at it again.
Do like David. At the first sign of adversity, run to Him. If you do, on your way through it, He will run alongside of you.