a time to speak… (Ecclesiastes 3: 7)
The Bible clearly states that there is a time to keep silence and a time to speak. What it does not clearly say is who these words are for. Obviously, because they are written, they are there for everyone to see. Still, it probably should be admitted that those persons who are naturally inclined to speak should hear the part which says: “There is a time to be silent.” While those who tend to keep quiet would do well to hear: “There is a time to speak.” Thus, just as talkative people should be encouraged to keep more to themselves, silent types should be challenged to speak up. When is it time to speak up?
When no one else is speaking for you. Your situation is unique. Your perspective is personal. It is entirely possible that in any given conversation or discussion, what you see and how you see is never addressed. If no one else mentions what you feel is critical and crucial, then it is time to speak up.
When what should be said has not been said. Oftentimes, there is a white elephant in the room and no one has the courage to point it out. They tactfully talk all around it and delicately dance about it. Nevertheless, they basically ignore it. In order to keep it real and acknowledge the truth, a case like this, is a time to speak up.
When silence could have a terrible consequence. There are instances in which the alternative to not speaking could mean danger, disaster or even death.If you don’t warn, a loved one may continue in a wayward path. If you don’t correct, children may end up in a life of crime. If you don’t encourage, a depressed person made end a victim of suicide. There are times when silence is golden and, then because of the possible consequences, there are other times when silence it not an option.
When God chooses you as His mouthpiece. Virtually none of the biblical prophets readily accepted the call of God on their life. They completely understood the burden of being tapped to deliver: “Thus saith the Lord!” The prophet Jeremiah decided to quit and even submitted his resignation to God. But when he did, he wrote: “Then I said, ‘I will not make mention of Him, nor speak anymore in His name.’ But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not.” (Jeremiah 20: 9)
Whenever God desires to speak His word through you, it is time to speak up.