For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. – John 6: 38
Picture a diver climbing the ladder at the back of a three meter diving board. Then, imagine that diver standing at the rear of the board until hearing his or her name announced along with the dive to be done and its degree of difficulty. Now, suppose the diver takes steps to approach the end of the diving board and just before time to take off, the diver puts on the brakes and refuses to jump. If and when that happens, it is called a balk.
Maybe, the mechanics of the approach were off. Perhaps, the diver realized how hard the dive was going to be or how high the board was in the air. It could be that the diver simply choked and chickened out. In any case, if the diver makes the approach and never leaves the board, that is called a balk and no points are scored.
What if Christ had consented to come to our rescue and save us. However, when He got to the edge of eternity, looked over it and saw how far the jump would be, how difficult the descent would be, how dangerous the landing could be and how much pain the process could be, He put the brakes on His part in the plan of salvation and simply did not come down? His consent to save us without His coming to save us would have left us unsaved.
Thank God and thank the Lord that He did not balk at the last minute and refuse to come down. Instead, He did come down through forty-two generations. He did come down from eternity to time. He did come down from heaven to earth. He did come down from invisible to visible. He did come down from the majesty of a throne to the humility of a manger. Then, when He hung on the cross, bleeding, ridiculed and dying, in spite of the mocking and taunts to do so, He refused to come down. At birth He did not balk and refused to come down. At death, He did not balk at paying the ultimate price by staying up on the cross and refusing to come down. That is miraculous!