Most churches on the foreign mission fields are limited in their ability to provide the financial funds required to purchase, rent or build their own place of worship. Other congregations do not have the money to build a suitable building where they can gather to freely worship the Lord. They are forced to rent, but the high cost of renting a building prevents them from obtaining the necessary capital to purchase their own land and begin construction of their own place of worship.
There are many nations throughout the world where Christianity is not “illegal” where believers of the faith endure intense persecution by the government, society, and even family members themselves. In these countries, it can be very difficult for Christians to rent facilities for the purpose of worshiping the Lord. Often times, they must meet secretly in their homes to avoid persecution, and arrest. Therefore the entire congregation cannot meet together to encourage one another for lack of space. Another obstacle most churches face is their poverty. They simply do not have the financial resources required to secure a place of worship. TEL International seeks not only to plant bible believing churches, but to also assist our brethren by providing them the funds necessary to secure for themselves a plot of land upon which they can then build a place of worship that best accommodates their needs.