Do You Know Him?

Do You Know Him?

He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel. – Psalm 103: 7

Moses did not invent God. Moses did not create God. Moses was by no means the first Hebrew to speak of God. Nevertheless, what happened up there on the back side of Sinai, when a bare footed murderer heard a voice through a burning bush, changed our concept and relationship with God forever. There, when questioned as to who He was and what His name was, God introduced Himself and made Himself known to Moses as I AM.

I AM the creator and sustainer of the universe. I AM the maker of all things. I AM the deliverer of those who are oppressed. I AM ruler over Pharaoh and Lord over Egypt. I AM who I was. I AM who I AM. I AM who I will be. I AM what you need me to be.

Soon after God made His ways known to Moses, He began to make His acts known to the children of Israel. He acted in the plagues. He acted in bringing them out of bondage. He acted in opening up the Red Sea. He acted in raining bread and meat from heaven. He acted in clearing the Promised Land. The point of the psalmist to Israel and us is: “By now, this God should be no stranger to you.” There should be no cloud of mystery around Him. He is the same God who called Abraham from Ur, brought Isaac from a ninety-year old barren womb and wrestled with Jacob all night. You ought to know Him by now!

He is the One who woke you up this morning and started you on your way. You ought to know Him by now! He is the One who made a way out of no way. You ought to know Him by now! He is the One who opened doors that no man could shut and shut doors that no man could open. You ought to know Him by now! He is the One who put bread on your table and shoes on your feet. You ought to know Him by now! He is the One who saved you from sin and yourself. You ought to know Him by now!

So, now that you know Him and His mighty acts, act like it!