And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. (Galatians 6: 9)
Like any great harvest, spiritual maturity requires a process which inevitably takes time. Unlike the beans of Jack’s beanstalk, seeds do not effortlessly and magically grow into a harvest overnight. The soil must be prepared. The seeds must be planted. The area must be kept. The plants must be watered and properly lit. And at last, the crop must be harvested.
The time and energy called for by each of these steps could very easily drain those who begin such a process. It is no wonder that many are tempted to (and do) quit long before harvest time. It is to this crowd that Paul speaks when he writes: “let us not be weary in well doing.” Our stems may not be visible yet, but we are growing underground. Our fruit may not be ripe yet, but they are getting bigger and bigger every day. Our harvest may not be ready yet, but it is definitely on the way. If we don’t get weary, if we don’t faint, if we follow through, we can rest assured that the harvest is coming. We shall see it. We shall reap it. And, we shall enjoy it.