And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. – Matthew 2: 11
According to tradition, these Wise Men were not any ole Wise Men. They were kings. They were rulers in their own right. They were men of great standing in their own realms. They were wealthy in addition to being wise. Yet, when these three kings laid eyes on the King of Kings, the first thing they did was to drop down and worshiped Him.
As far as we know, they did not drop down and worship King Herod. So, what was it about this baby that caused them to “fall down” and worship Him?
They fell down and worshiped Him because they rejoiced at the sight. Matthew 2: 10 reads: “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.” If they rejoiced at the sight of the star, it is no wonder that they fell down and worshiped when they took sight of the Son of God.
They fell down and worshiped because they were eager to place themselves at His feet in service. They could no longer be upright before Him. They had to fall down. They could not look Him in the face. They had to fall down. They could not brag about their own accomplishments compared to His. They had to fall down. They could not demand to be served by Him. They could only plead for the privilege to serve Him. Thus, they had to fall down.
They fell down and worshiped because they realized that Christ was the Savior. Even as a baby, they knew He was the Savior. Even laying in a manger. They knew He was the Savior. Even though His entrance into the world was in cognito, they knew He was the Savior of the world.
Donnie McClurkin asks: “What do you do when you’ve done all you can and it seems like it’s never enough?” His answer is: “You just stand!” Well, if you ask the Wise Men: “What do you do when you have come into His presence and it seems like you can’t get enough?” Their answer would be: “You don’t just stand. You just drop down and worship!”