Due Season

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6: 9)

Paul’s parting words to the Galatians will be our departing words on season. These early Christians were under attack by certain “judaizers” whose goal it was to bind them again in a bondage to the law from which Jesus had just set them free. Here is how the apostle encourages them:

We tend to get weary. “Let us not get weary in well doing…” If we are doing “wicked” we should expect to get weary. In fact, we should never have started it in the first place. Yet, when we are doing well, living right and serving the Lord, we don’t expect the adversity which so often and automatically comes. This is why we most likely to become weary. If we are “in well doing” it seems like we ought to be doing well!

We do have a “due” season. “in due season…” Poverty has a season, but so does prosperity. Hurt has a season, but so does healing. Paucity has a season, but so does plenty. Sorrow has a season, but so does celebration. Like a blessed baby, our prosperity has been planted. It is gestating. The water has just broken. The intense labor is now upon us and the promise of God to us is about to be delivered to us. It’s due season.

We shall reap. “we shall reap…” This is a promise that we will not only be engaged in the planting. We shall also participate in the reaping. Furthermore, this reaping is not simply a wish. It is a promise. The seeds we sow will become a harvest. The tears we shed will irrigate our resurrection. The blessings we share will boomerang into multiplied abundance.

We can’t afford to faint. “If we faint not…” Unfortunately, all of this hinges on a single word: “if.” We shall reap, if we do not faint. We can’t quit. We can’t turn around. We can’t throw in the towel. We can’t give up. We can’t lose heart. We can’t lose hope. It’s due season and we are due!