Faith is the Substance

Faith is the Substance

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11: 1)

Visions are objectively invisible. Dreams are physically intangible. Impossibilities are commonly imperceptible. So, what then, is it that makes a vision visible to the visionary? How is it that a dream is actual to the dreamer? With what do impossibilities seem possible to the pioneer? The answer is faith.

Faith forms the stuff of visions, dreams and impossibilities. Faith is the substance of visions, dreams and impossibilities. Without the substance of faith, your visions would vaporize before you could view them, your dreams would dissolve before you could draw them and your impossibilities would go “poof” before you ever had a chance to propose them.

With faith as substance, your visions can be personally seen by you before they can be publicly seen by others. With faith as substance, your dreams can become real to you before they become manifest to multitudes. With faith as substance, your impossibilities can become actual to you before they become normal for the rest of the world.

No! You have not completely lost your mind when you see visions, dream dreams and perceive the impossible. What has happened is that you have discovered a different reality which can only be accessed, touched, seen and grasped through a substance called faith.