Free Indeed

Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. – John 8: 36. Apparently, the freedom which you get from Christ is like no other freedom. When Christ makes you free, you are not only free, but free indeed. What does it mean to be free indeed? It means being free in all aspects of your life such that you become:

Technically free. By letter and by law, you have been made free. There are no longer any statutory reasons why you should continue to be bound. You have been released from the burden of the law. You have been cleansed from sin. There is no condemnation for you because of Christ. No one can even legitimately lay a charge against you. In spite of how you feel or how your situation appears, technically you are already free.

Practically free. Here, you are not only free by law, but you are free by the actual way you live your life. Consider the slaves in Texas in the year 1865. President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation took effect on January 1, 1865. This law freed the slaves all over America. However, there was a large segment of slaves who actually didn’t get word of that freedom until June of that year – hence, the Juneteenth celebration. These slaves were technically free, but not practically free because they did not know they were free. When you are free indeed, you don’t just know it, you act like it.

Spiritually free. When you are technically free, you have been released by the law. When you are practically free, you lead a life of liberty. However, when you are spiritually free, you experience an indescribable sense of peace, joy, contentment and connection to God. This inner spiritual freedom not only leads to free actions, but it even liberates your aspirations. It turns worry into worship and pessimism into praise. It sees obstacles as opportunities and looming trouble as the basis of the next testimony of triumph. When you are free indeed, you are free all over, inside and out, all of the time. Indeed!