Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. – Psalm 51: 12 (KJV)
This request of David comes at the tail end of a major mistake in his life. His ordeal with Bathsheba began with lust, continued into adultery and ended in murder. Once he was found out and busted by the prophet Nathan, he proceeded to repent and ask for cleansing and forgiveness from God.
Here in verse 12, the king asks God to restore the joy he used to have along with His salvation. Right on the heels of this petition, he then asks that God would uphold him with His free spirit. What is so free about God’s free Spirit?
IT IS FREE – David did not have access to God’s Spirit because he was rich and the king. God’s Spirit does not cost riches, but repentance. It is not moved by cash, but by confession. Therefore, it is free to anyone with a repentant spirit and a contrite heart.
IT MAKES FREE – The Spirit of God is not just free. It is freeing. It is a breeze that blows away burdens. It is a fan that forces out fear. It is a river that washes away unrighteousness. It creates the freedom of which it speaks.
IT CAUSES YOU TO FEEL FREE – God’s free Spirit makes you feel free in His presence. You know that there is nothing between you and Him. You are free to pray. You are free to praise. Even free to play.
Once restoration comes, then comes freedom.