Give Thanks for Basic Stuff

Give Thanks for Basic Stuff

There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes… John 6: 9

The disciple Andrew’s answer to the question of how to feed a starving multitude was: There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes…” Are you kidding me? First of all, why are you taking a little boy’s lunch? Aren’t there any grown people out there with food they could offer? Secondly, even if you get over the fact that you are robbing a little boy, what good will that little bit do to satisfy the hunger of so many? Then, thirdly, is the matter of the fish and the loaves. Is that the best you can do? This meal does not have elements from each of the levels of the food pyramid. What kind of fish is this? I like tilapia. I can’t stand sardines. Barley loaves? I don’t eat brown bread! Where are the vegetables? What is there to drink? What’s for dessert? Is that all we get, fish and bread?

Last time, we paused to thank the Lord for beginning stuff. Today, we ought to stop fussing and thank God for basic stuff. Granted, two fish and five barley loaves are not a gourmet meal. But, it’s good enough to fill your stomach.

Without lowering your standards and life expectations, it is good every now and then to thank God for the basic blessings without which you could not survive. There are millions starving around the world and you have food. There are thousands of homeless people on the streets of America and you have a roof over your head.

There are hundreds of thousands on their backs in hospital beds and you got up this morning with a reasonable portion of health and strength. There are millions with mentally illness on pills, in therapy and living behind locked metal doors and you woke up this morning in your right mind.

You know what? I’m gonna stop writing to let you stop reading so both of us can praise and thank God that while we may not have the best stuff, we do have the basic stuff!