Give Thanks for the Befuddling Stuff

Give Thanks for the Befuddling Stuff

When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. – John 6: 12

The human in us wants to know who. The curiosity in us wants to know what. The impatience in us wants to know when. The traveler in us wants to know where. The philosopher in us wants to know why. The scientist in us wants to know how. However, when the faith in us raises these famous interrogative ‘W’s” with our Master, we often end up befuddled. There is no doubt that after the multitude was fed, the fragments had been gathered, the baskets were secured and the multitude had gone home, the disciples asked themselves: “How did Jesus do that? We were standing right there. We participated in it. But, for the lives of us, we still don’t know how He did it.”

(1). We were befuddled at how he would do it. When he took the fish and the loaves from Andrew, we we wondering, is he going to eat it himself? What is he going to do with that!

(2). We were befuddled at how he did it. When it was all over, we wondered, what just happened. We know we didn’t have enough to start with and we don’t know where the extra food came from. Yet, the more we passed it out, the more there was to pass out. How did he do that?

(3). We were befuddled at why he did it. Why did Jesus care in the first place? Their hunger was really not his problem. That was their responsibility. Why didn’t he send them home as the disciples suggested?

Have you ever been there? You were facing a great challenge and you could figure out how you and the Lord were going to deal with it. Then, you were befuddled when He did. Or, you had a great need and didn’t know how the Lord was going to meet it. Then, you were befuddled when he did. Or, you thought about your mistakes, your misdeeds and your mess ups and wondered why the Lord would even bother with you and you were befuddled when he did. There comes a point in our walk with the Lord that we learn that his ways are pass finding out. This is the time that we stop asking questions and in the spirit of Andre Crouch just start thanking.