For God so loved the world… – John 3: 16
If you were God, would you be saved? Of course, since you are you, you would want to be saved and hope that you were saved. But, if you were God, and you knew how you are, would you have saved you? Okay. You might not have been able to be totally objective on that one.
So, how about, if you were God and saw the blatant disobedience of Adam and Eve, would you have saved them? Would you have made skin clothes for them to replace their fig leaves? Would you have only kicked them out of the Garden or kicked them completely off of the planet? Would you have waited for them to die of natural causes or would you have killed them on the spot?
God had every right to cut off humanity right after their first sin. He created a perfect paradise for them. He only gave them one rule and they broke it! What hope could there be that they or their offspring would never sin again? (As soon as they got out of the Garden, their first born son Cain killed his brother!). There is no record of any other creation which God made prior to Adam and Eve which disobeyed him or veered from its created course. Why not stick with the birds who flew straight, the lions who roared right and the trees which always waved their branches in worship? Why not forget humanity and be done with it and them?
John 3: 16 give us the answer in one word. LOVE. For God so loved the world… Love was behind His creating humanity. Love was behind Him trusting humanity. Love was behind Him chastising humanity. Love was behind Him saving humanity. And that my friend is miraculous!