The Lord has established His throne in heaven, And His kingdom rules over all. – Psalm 103: 19
Lest there be any doubt about it, the psalmist clearly states: “The Lord has established His throne in heaven.” By this we can confirm that: 1. God is in heaven; 2. God has a throne in heaven; and 3. God has already established His throne in heaven. Therefore, make no mistake about it. God is large and in charge up there! Most of us concede this point.
The controversy and the confusion comes when we ask the question of God’s influence over the earth. Yes, God is in charge up there, but what about down here? The answer comes in the very next line: “And His Kingdom rules over all.” All is all nations. All is all planets. All is all stars and constellations. All is all people. All is all problems. All is all situations. All is all sickness. All is all manifestations of evil. All means all and God’s Kingdom rules over all. That means that He has jurisdiction over every territory and His decrees are binding on every land. We can, therefore, appeal to Him from any place and expect Him to answer us according to His will.
When the psalmist wrote this verse, he realized the impact and import of what he had just written and, then, broke out in a praise which ends the psalm with the same words with which he began it.
20 Bless the Lord, you His angels, Who excel in strength, who do His word, Heeding the voice of His word. 21 Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, You ministers of His, who do His pleasure. 22 Bless the Lord, all His works, In all places of His dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul! The greatest benefit of our Believer’s Benefit package is to be assured that whatever we need is covered by it because the Kingdom of God rules over all!