For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost – Luke 19: 10
The Lord’s diligent search is not one sided. Part of the reason He yearns for us to diligently seek Him is because He is constantly and diligently seeking us. He seeks us when we run away. He seeks us when we stray away. He seeks us when we walk the wrong way. He seeks us when we have lost our way.
Christ is like the mother who has lost her child in the mall. Both the mother and the child have an interest in being reunited. The mother retraces her steps and calls out her child’s name, while the child wanders the marble mall floors crying for Momma.
They are simultaneously searching for each other because they both know that they belong together. There can be and there will be no peace or pleasure until they are back in each other’s arms. To be sure, when we diligently seek Christ, we discover that He is worth finding. However, Christ diligently seeks us because, in His eyes, we too, are worth finding.
Like the woman who swept the whole house looking for one lost coin, He sees value in us. Like the shepherd who left the ninety nine to find the one lost sheep, He can’t stand to see us out of the fold. Like John the Baptist, He cries a message of repentance in the wilderness so than none will be lost.
He diligently seeks us to bring out of us, the gems God put in us. He diligently seeks us to bring us to the place for which God has predestined us. He diligently seeks us to bring us through the troubles that beset us. He diligently seeks us to welcome us to the eternal home which awaits us. What a great blessing it is to know that when you are lost and can’t find your way, you have not been written off. Someone is looking for you!