He Restores My Soul

He Restores My Soul

He restores my soul… – Psalm 23: 3

Because we love God with all of our soul, we worship God. We praise God. We serve God. However, because God loves us, every now and then, He restores our soul. This is necessary because life takes a toll on the soul.

The agony before a major decision takes its toll on the soul. The consequences of that decision, especially if as a result of it things go awry, take their toll on the soul. Besetting sin which we know to be wrong, but which we can’t seem to shake takes its toll on the soul. The hurt we cause others and the hurt they have caused us takes its toll on the soul. Watching loved ones transition from life to death every day for a year takes its toll on the soul. Children who go astray and act just as we did, takes its toll on the soul. Too many bills and too little money to pay them takes its toll on the soul. Being bullied and belittled on a regular basis takes its toll on the soul. Is that enough or do you get the point yet? Just plain life itself takes a toll on the soul.

That soul becomes drained. It gets tired. It ends up weak. It may lose the energy to fight back or even the will to survive. That is just the time when our loving Shepherd shows up and restores our soul. His love makes us want to live and that restores our soul. His grace makes us want to keep going and that restores our soul. His purpose for our life helps us bear the pain and that restores our soul. His words en-courage us and that restores our souls. His Spirit inspires us with a second wind and that restores our soul.

Psalm 23: 4 says: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil…” We may wonder: “Hey David, how do you expect to pull that off?” The boy shepherd might respond: “I can do just about anything after The Lord has restored my soul. – And so can you!”