I Have Decided to Get Busy

I Have Decided to Get Busy

And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them. – Luke 2: 49-50

Mary and Joseph went on their annual journey to worship in Jerusalem which the law required them to do. As unusual, they took their twelve year old son Jesus along with them. This time, however, when they left the city, they had gone three whole days before they realized that He was not with them. When they doubled back to the city, they found Him in the temple asking and answering questions in the midst of the temple leaders.

Mary and Joseph lost sight of Jesus, but we must not lose sight of what Jesus said when they demanded to know what had happened to Him. He said: “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” Such a remark coming from the lips of a young child today might be considered a smart mouth which could land a kid in serious trouble. Instead, what sounded like a smart remark was really a wise remark.

Note that . . .

1). Even as a child, Jesus knew He had work to do for God. Youth cannot be used as an excuse for not serving the Lord. 2). He knew that the work He had to do was not His business, but his Father’s business. “I must be about My Father’s business.” 3). He meant no disrespect, but He was aware of the difference between His heavenly Father and His earthly father. He had already begun to learn the carpenter’s trade from Joseph. Still, it was His heavenly Father who was calling Him at it was His heavenly Father who he ultimately obeyed. 4). He understood that it was time to get busy and get started doing God’s business. Why would He wait until he was older when there was work to be done right then? 5). At the risk of not being understood by the people who loved Him the most, He still pursued the work God had assigned to Him. “They did not understand the statement which He spoke to them.”

We can learn a major lesson from Jesus. It is not enough to know that your Father has business. Now is the time to decide to get busy and be about it.