And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. – Luke 2:7
Two thousand years after His first birthday, we are finally getting around to asking the Lord what He wanted for Christmas. This sounds long overdue! If He had been like most of us, He would have noted His treatment over the years and lamented: “It would have been nice!”
On that first Christmas:
It would have been nice for Him to have had better accommodations. Granted, the neonatal care unit of Bethlehem General may have still been in development, but they couldn’t even find a room at the local inn? Is a bed of hay in a cold dark barn the best we could do for the Son of God?
It would have been nice for Him to have had a little more fanfare surrounding His arrival. The prophets had predicted His coming for years. The people awaited His arrival. The psalmists sang His praises. Yet, only a little flock of shepherds and a few Wise Men attended His bedside. There were no trumpets. There was no parade. There was not even a baby shower.
It would have been nice for Him to have been donned with a royal crown from the beginning, instead of being covered under the cloak of secrecy. Not even King Herod knew that He had been born or where He laid. Christ was a king without a crown. He was a king without a court. He was a king without an adoring crowd.
Indeed, after two thousand years of neglect, His recognition is long overdue. However, it is still not too late. For, on Christmas this year, each of us can make room for Him to abide in the choicest part of our heart. We can shower Him with continual proper praise. We can crown Him as the king of our own lives. That would be nice!