Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. – Matthew 22: 37
It is quite difficult to tell which is the greater work of God – the human brain or the human mind. It’s like being forced to choose between the beauty of the human body and the boundlessness of the human spirit. Or, having to pick the functions of the human heart over the feelings of the human emotions in the heart. Or, weighing the intricacies of the eye’s sight over the depths of human insight.
Clearly, the brain and the mind work together. One is physical. The other is mental. One is visible. The other is invisible. One can be weighed and the other can be “heavy.” So what’s the point?
The point is that when you love God with all of your mind, that includes being grateful for the physical organ which houses the mind. It means loving God with your brain and your mind enough to care for them. It means loving God with your brain and your mind enough to use them. It means loving God with your brain and your mind enough to feed them.
It means loving God with your brain and your mind enough to challenge them. It means loving God with your brain and your mind enough to surrender them to Him. Loving God with your brain and your mind means serving notice on the heart and the soul: “You will never beat me loving God. He made us too and, therefore, with all that we have and all that we are, we will love Him too!”