And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba. Genesis 21: 14
In obedience to the advice of the angel of the Lord, Hagar returned from the wilderness and submitted to Sarah. This lasted for fourteen years. In the fourteenth year, Sarah miraculously conceived and bore her own son, Isaac. Then, she no longer had any use for Hagar. Nor, could she stand the sight of her or her son Ishmael. Therefore, she demanded that her husband (and Hagar’s husband by the way) cast both of them out.
By this time, if Abraham was not in love with Hagar, he certainly must have had some feelings for her, if only because she was the mother of his child. And of course, he cared for Ishmael as his first born. However, reluctantly, he too submitted to Sarah and forced Hagar and Ishmael to leave.
To say that Abraham dogged Hagar would be an understatement. Notice how he treated her after bearing his child and being his wife for fourteen years: (1). All he gave her was a loaf of bread and a bottle of water. Some alimony and child support for a very wealthy man. (2). He put the bread and water on her shoulder and made her carry it. Couldn’t he have spared a donkey for transportation; and (3). He didn’t arrange for her to have a place to stay or even a place to go. He simply sent her and the boy away with: “Good luck!”
Now, Hagar was officially a single mother. She would soon come to realize what many single mothers have. (1). You may never get what you expect or deserve. (2). What little you have will soon run out; and (3). Don’t look to other people to supply your need because you can rely and depend upon God as your source. Remember, He is the Bread of Life and the fountain of Living Water. Rest assured. You won’t go hungry and you won’t die!