And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son… – Luke 1: 31
Here are the basic steps which brought Christ to us. Mary was called. Mary consented. Mary conceived. Then, we learn in the second portion of Luke 1: 31 that Mary carried. She brought forth a son. In other words, she was not just a conceiver. She was a carrier!
God knows we need conceivers to think of things. We must have conceivers to plot out plans. We could not survive without conceivers who can see it before most of us believe it. However, God help us if all we have are plans without implementation, concepts without concretization, imagination without manifestation. We have to have more than conceivers. He gotta have some carriers.
As a carrier, Mary hosted Christ and allowed Him to grow inside of her. When she was conceived, Jesus was just a microscopic cell. However, she did not discard Him or disregard Him because of His size. She held Him and gave Him space to grow inside of her. As a carrier, Mary was susceptible to sickness and sacrifice to bring Him to life. As all mothers do, she risked her life to give Him life. As a carrier, Mary endured the pangs of birth to push Him out of her, into a world which did not always welcome Him, but sorely needed Him. Often, being a carrier literally hurts.
Mary’s model is that of a person who not only accepts a call of God. She is one who goes the extra mile and the last mile to bring the contents of that call to life in spite of what may be a great sacrifice to her. It is time out for the church to brag about what it has seen. Now is the time to carry out what it has seen and bring it forth! That is miraculous!