OUR MISSION STATEMENT – A holistic ministry that compassionately meets the needs of hurting people and establishes biblical churches throughout the world by means of equipping and mobilizing indigenous churches and missionaries to invite, welcome, encourage and inspire persons to join in and experience the gospel of Jesus Christ and the new life He offers.

Our growing family of indigenous missionaries are brought together by a common set of core values. These enduring values have guided us in our interactions with those we serve and with each other throughout our history. These core values are also the cornerstone of our character as a mission society and of our Code of Ethics, and helps to drive our culture of compliance, ethical decision making and accountability.

1). EVANGELISM FOCUSED – The Great Commission compels us to make evangelism our primary focus. We plan to initiate, coordinate, facilitate and oversee missions and outreach programs that invite, welcome, encourage and inspire persons to join in and experience the gospel of Jesus Christ and the new life He offers. Everything we do must filter through the desire for and the purpose of evangelizing the world. Christ commanded it. We must do it.

2). DISCIPLESHIP DRIVEN – Matthew 28:19 demonstrates that evangelism is incomplete without making disciples. Disciples do more than merely believe; they obey the Lord, adhering to His ways. To make a disciple requires teaching, mentoring, and modeling the lifestyle of Jesus. Discipleship involves growth towards maturity and teaching converts to become “disciplers. The work of discipleship is the work of multiplication, not addition, meaning it starts slow and builds over time.  Jesus had thousands of people come to hear him preach.  But the primary discipleship work took place not even in his small group of the twelve, but in Peter, James and John who were with him at key points in his life, learned by experiencing how Jesus handled things, and became the leaders who could carry on once Jesus left.  We will be patient enough to do the slow groundwork initially to have a powerful impact over the long-term.

3). CHURCH CENTERED – We are committed to being a Mission that begins, nurtures, and equips churches to be the expression of Christ in their communities and to reach out with indigenous or native missionary vision and action. 

4). COMPASSION MOTIVATED – Compassion is a common virtue that moves us to reach out to the whole man. We care deeply about the dignity of people who suffer in our world and are motivated by God’s love to bring love, hope and peace to people in need. We enjoy interacting with nationals and feel a deep satisfaction in our friendships with them. As we labor along side of them, we become embolden at what we see as opportunities present themselves.

5). INTEGRITY GUIDED – We are honest in our communications, transparent and accountable in our finances and trustworthy in our relationships. We conduct ourselves and our missionary society in ways which are highly ethical and above reproach.