In The Great Commission, Jesus dictated to believers the “what” – ‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ But He also dictated the “how” – ‘teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.’ We believe deeply in the effectiveness and promise of theological education; not for education’s sake, but for the promise it holds to build leaders who have the vision, integrity and competence that the Church and the Gospel demand.

To grow His Church around the world, Jesus invested in just twelve key leaders. By investing deeply in leaders, we are following the only model of church growth that has ever proven to be sustainable and fruitful. We invest into pastors, missionaries and leadership, and these trained Christian leaders, in turn, invest out into the community to which they serve. We focus our training efforts on personal faith development, expository preaching, intercessory prayer, sacrificial service, personal evangelism, and personal discipleship. In striving towards our goal of building up the church and its ministers, we have adopted the following means of training the brethren: character development via discipleship, bible conferences, pastoral library distribution, and theological training.