TEL International plans to distribute free life-saving mosquito nets this year – as World Malaria Day on April 25 spotlights the global health menace. Malaria is caused by parasites transmitted to people through bites of infected female mosquitoes, known as anopheles. In people lacking immunity – especially pregnant mothers and young children – symptoms appear 10-15 days after the bite. Symptoms include fever, headache, chills and vomiting. Severe cases in children can cause anemia and respiratory distress. Without treatment within 24 hours, certain types of malaria can kill.
Through our medical missions’ outreach program missionaries in the field teach families the importance of sleeping every night under a mosquito net and making sure they remove stagnant water around their homes to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds.
Pastor Julius Nangai and his wife Beatrice, distribute mosquito nets through their local church in Ghana. “Their son often suffered with malaria fever,” Beatrice said, ” which made him physically weak. Experience has taught them that the gift of a mosquito net will help many families.
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