Church-Planting Movement Lays Groundwork for Growth

TEL International is partnering with local African missions movements to see new workers equipped to reach the unreached in Ghana and across the continent. One African mission leader told the ministry that the Church Planting Movement (CPM) Training Initiative offered all the practical information they need to actually do church planting.

One way to look at the work done by these teams is to think of them reproducing the book of Acts in a new culture: win people to Christ, gather them together as His Body in that locale, and develop them into a functioning community. The idea is to leave them both with indigenous leaders and a vision for spreading the Gospel and reproducing daughter churches. If the church planter works according to the agenda of “model, equip, watch, and leave,” he or she will build the DNA of reproduction in the disciples that will lead to churches that reproduce. Through medical care and clean water, this team is building relationships and using chronological Bible studies to introduce spiritually-hungry Ghanaians to the good news.

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