Close your eyes and walk through your house to find your Bibles. Search every bookshelf, desk drawer, and nightstand. How many can you find? If you’re like the average American household, you can probably find at least four. Maybe that’s why it can be difficult for some of us to understand just how precious a copy of God’s Word really is. But in some parts of the world and in some pairs of hands, it can go even farther than that. For example, “When you look at a pastor of a church in Uganda or Kenya or the Philippines, that gets a Bible from us, you’re talking about congregations of church plants where sometimes even the pastor doesn’t own a Bible.
That’s why TEL International is hosting an ongoing Bible drive to bring in used Bibles and Christian books and send them around the world. Donate Bibles and Christian books you have around the house, and TEL International will ship them to pastors and believers around the world. The demand is high and each year we come up short; people are just that desperate for access to the Gospel. The Bible drive will last for several months, so if you’d like to participate, collect Bibles from your own home or from a church Bible drive and send them to TEL International using this information.
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