Building An Inclusive Future for Kids with Disability

More than 13% of Uganda’s 24 million children are living with a disability but only 18% of these children have access to rehabilitation services (UNICEF, 2015). Despite these alarming statistics, there are still weak functional mechanisms to address the need for adequate and reliable rehabilitation services. To date over 3,100 children have received assessment and intervention at Kyaninga Child Development Center (KCDC), but shockingly this is less than 1% of the total number of children with disabilities in the region.

KCDC is the only center in western Uganda providing specialized therapy services, through a holistic, community-based rehabilitation program at an affordable cost for all. The new center will allow KCDC to reach an additional 3,000 children over 3 years through the provision of intensive and specialized therapy services, improved accessibility, multiple therapy and treatment rooms, a conference facility which will be used for training, special needs education center and office space.

The new center will enhance Kyaninga Child Development Center’s therapeutic effectiveness and the ability to care for more children by allowing them to hire more therapists who will provide an additional 1800 sessions per year. Within 10 years, 10,000 Children with Disabilities will experience improved quality of life, better health and education outcomes, and have the opportunity to thrive in society without fear of stigma and discrimination.

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