The HR needs in Bible translation today are largely shaped by the rapid advances in technology and the changing landscape of global missions. Over the past 50 years, Bible translation has shifted from a traditional model where missionaries went cross-culturally to work with local language communities, to a more collaborative and technologically enhanced process. While this has accelerated Bible translation efforts, it has also created new challenges, particularly in terms of human resources (HR) and equipping local churches and communities for sustainable translation work.
One of the major HR needs is for effective training programs to equip local translators. While local churches are increasingly catching the vision for Bible translation, many still lack the expertise and skills to handle the complexities of translating the Bible accurately. Local people need help not just with initial translation but with the technical aspects of ensuring that the text remains faithful to the original while being culturally and linguistically appropriate. The need for Bible translation consultants is vital in this process, but more consultants are required to meet the growing demand.
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