This month, a United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) panel brought to light disturbing statistics about violence against Christians in Nigeria. Over two thousand churches have been destroyed since 2015. Between 4 and 5 million Christians have fled the country.
This violence isn’t coming from just one group. Boko Haram, a terrorist army that rejects modern Western culture and Christianity, rampages in the country. The Islamic State, despite losses in the Middle East, continues to torment Nigeria. Meanwhile, the Fulani tribe continues to target Christians as well. Despite this, Nigerian Christians persevere in the Gospel. Some of the most inspiring people in the world are brothers and sisters in Christ who are being incredibly persecuted. Many of them have lost family members to their persecutors. Yet they’re driven with compassion and love for those very people trying to kill them. They want to get the Gospel into those areas.
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