Clean Drinking Water for 800 Families in Rural Ghana

Lack of water access is a profound challenge afflicting rural communities across Ghana. Each day women and school children walk long hours to collect drinking water from unprotected sources resulting in sickness, infections and hardship. TEL International brings hope to rural communities by providing clean water access and improved hygiene practices, ultimately empowering at risk communities to fight infectious diseases.

Women are the primary carriers, users, and local managers of water in most rural and urban areas around Ghana. They are usually responsible for feeding, deciding upon the different uses of the water and arranging for ongoing maintenance of traditional water sources. Women who live in communities without a clean water source typically walk four miles to collect what water they can from a polluted water source full of parasites. Having access to clean, nearby water sources empowers women to improve their future and to bring their families and communities out of poverty. That’s why we build each well within a single kilometer radius of at risk households.

The long-term impact resulting from this clean water project are: 1) reduction in water-borne diseases and decreased infant mortality; 2) greater awareness of health issues and changes in hygiene and sanitation practices; 3) greater availability of time for women and girls to engage in education and income generating activities; and 4) heightened capacities to maintain water systems and initiate development activities.

The Ghana water project encompasses four village in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana Africa: Ahyiam, Salam-Kuvom, Pruso, Kokuma, and Bodom. Roughly 800 families and a population of over 4500 people will receive access to a clean water source.

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