Rural populations throughout Sub-Saharan Africa lacks access to safe water, and basic latrines. One out of seven children don’t reach their fifth birthday, often dying from preventable, water-borne diseases. Women and girls are responsible for retrieving water each day and may walk 4-6 miles daily to collect water that is often contaminated. As a result, girls don’t go to school, and become illiterate.
Sub-Saharan Africa has an endless supply of clean water 250-300 feet underground. By drilling a deep-water well and teaching villagers how to maintain and repair it, we are able to eliminate water-borne disease. Child mortality drops by upwards of 70%, and women and girls are freed from the burden of walking for water. TEL International and its partners, train women to establish savings groups that enable them to start small businesses and become role models.
When girls are able to remain in school, they delay marriage and child-bearing, and are able to pursue income-generating work. Women are trained in each village to establish savings groups that enable them to start small businesses and become role models for their daughters and their sons. When women are empowered, the whole family dynamic shifts; husbands and wives become partners in family life.
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