Helping to Educate and Empower Street Children in Sierra Leone

We provide a healthy residential environment for 75 former street-dwelling children in Sierra Leone to thrive and grow by providing education and medical care, and life skills and vocational-entrepreneurship training. Our programs are gender-sensitive to ensure all (including girls) benefit.

There are 50 million orphaned or abandoned children in Africa, and in Sierra Leone, as in all of Africa, children make up more than half the population. Many of these children are disillusioned and disenfranchised, yet they also carry great hope. Through residential and educational services, the Children and Youth Empowerment Centre helps children as young as six through young adulthood develop their potential so they can lead fulfilling lives and contribute to the well-being of their communities.

Programs include a medical clinic, psychosocial support and activities such as sports, arts, and a nature club. In addition to academic and vocational programs, the Children and Youth Empowerment Centre provides education and gender-sensitive training in entrepreneurship and life skills.

The Children and Youth Empowerment Centre is collaborating with civic organizations, the private sector and universities to develop effective, sustainable models for the care and education of street-dwelling children so they can be healthy, productive members of their communities.

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