In a country devastated by AIDS, many young children are orphaned and left in the care of guardians or elder grandparents. We recognize that the only way out of poverty for every child is through education. While primary school is supposed to be free the elderly parents or guardians find it impossible to pay for the many extra expenses needed to keep a child in school.
Kenyan girl are relegated to taking care of the house; fetching water and wood; getting a husband and raising a family, and perhaps work as a maid. These factors has lead many to believe there is no reason to invest in education for girls, or so the thinking goes. Predominantly the lack of education for girls has to do with economics, the firstborn boy is usually sent to school if any money is available.
TEL International opens pathways for girls and women to obtain access to education. Children and adults alike have countless possibilities opened to them through obtaining a quality education, allowing them to achieve new levels of personal and economic growth and empowering them to give back to their communities. We assist in both developing educational systems and in helping students reach them through scholarship opportunities.
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