Extreme poverty is the ruthless enemy that lurks in cities and villages around the world. According to published reports, poverty’s tsunami of devastation includes: (1). The poorest 20 percent of the world’s children who are two times as likely to die before age five. (2). Globally, every year, 2.7 million newborns–equal to the population of Chicago–who die from poverty-related health and nutrition issues in the first month of life. (3). Almost 3 billion people who do not have toilets, and nearly 1 billion who lack safe drinking water; and (4). 161 million primary-age children who cannot afford to attend school.
Half of the world’s poor live in just five countries — India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Ethiopia–according to World Bank, an international banking organization. Those categorized as the “extreme poor”– about 736 million people — live on less than $1.90 per day.
To end extreme cycles of poverty worldwide, it would cost less than one-third of how much Americans annually spend on Christmas, citing economist Jeffrey Sachs. While the eradication of extreme poverty in parts of the developing world is “ambitious, yet achievable,” according to World Bank, the task is far more difficult in conflict-torn regions and areas impacted by natural disasters. However, our donors have helped families climb out of abject poverty by providing livestock, inputs for crops, sewing machines, and other ways to earn income. Eliminating severe poverty really starts with one person saying: I’m going to make a difference and help one person in poverty. That one person can be you or me. We really can help end extreme poverty in this generation.
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