Feeding School Children and Reducing Hunger in East Africa

TEL International’s partner primary schools are providing a daily meal to over 300 children in Kenya. Hunger presents a serious obstacle to the improvement of pupil performance in our partner schools as it not only impacts on retention, access and drop-out rates, but it also severely inhibits the learning of those pupils remaining in school, who are required to engage in learning on empty stomachs. By providing healthy nutritious meals five days a week we are helping to give these children a better quality of life.

School lunches consists of either rice or maize, accompanied by beans, fruits and vegetables. For many of these children, this is often their only guaranteed meal of the day. 356 children between the ages of 3 to 13 years of age will be impacted by this program. Without this meal these children would go through the school day without any food, severely impacting on both their well-being and their learning. By providing a daily lunch to children in school we remove hunger as a barrier to learning. An active feeding program encourages pupils to attend school in the first place and then keeps them there throughout the day. The program also provides health and educational benefits to these vulnerable and impoverished children by helping to keep their minds and bodies fueled for productive and successful learning.

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