Give 300 Elderly Women a Dignified Life

Give 300 Elderly Women a Dignified Life

In Vrindavan, India, home to approximately 15,000 destitute widows, many elderly women face isolation, poverty, and social exclusion. Abandoned by their families, they are forced to beg for survival, living in harsh conditions without access to basic needs such as food, healthcare, and shelter. This project, supported by your generous donation, seeks to provide 350 widows with a dignified, healthy life, ensuring their safety, well-being, and empowerment.

Maitri India, through its dedicated old age home, provides shelter, food, healthcare, and skill development for elderly widows. The project is aimed at giving 150 resident widows and 200 community widows the opportunity to regain their dignity and independence, while offering them essential services and access to livelihood opportunities.

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