Good News in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana

Jacob Nangai, the National Coordinator serving in Ghana, West Africa, pastors twelve congregations in the Brong Ahafo Region. He trains missionaries, pastors and teachers to serve in the region, and he equips local ministers to spread the gospel in their hometowns.

As he travels among the churches, Jacob reports many stories of the consistency and perseverance the people demonstrate as they come out to hear him teach about Jesus. Many walk two or three miles to meet in an open field or under a grass-rooted shelter. Seldom do they have the accommodation of a seat, other than the ground. The singing is vibrant as the crowds erupt with enthusiastic praise to Jesus.

Standing for several hours is not unusual for these Christians. They desire to worship, to hear, and to learn about their glorious Savior. These precious saints are wonderful examples of giving God their best. Despite the difficulties they might experience getting to a service or the lack of physical comforts during the gathering, they enjoy the opportunity to dedicate themselves to God as a first offering.

As we think about missionaries around the world, we can rejoice with those who experience results similar to what Jacob Nangai regularly sees. People who consecrate themselves to loving, serving, and worshipping God should inspire us to do the same. Our prayer for Jacob Nangai and other missionaries in the field can be that God will send consistent, dedicated people to help them spread the glorious gospel message throughout their mission field. And our commitment to God should be to always endeavor to give Him our best in our time, effort, talent, and resources – for His glory.

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