TEL International will partner with health-care facilities in northern Haiti to improve the quality of care provided to the population there. This project focuses on the procurement and management of essential emergency medicines and medical supplies needed to save the lives of newborns.
Essential medicines or supplies in Haiti are not always available when needed due to lack of financial resources and an undependable supply chain. Even in emergency situations, patients’ family members are expected to ask friends and family to contribute money and scour local pharmacies for supplies, losing valuable time. Our aim is to help Haitian health-care facilities save the lives of newborns by having a list of critical materials available when and where they are needed.
We will work with the pediatric health facilities we have partnered with to identify specific medications and supplies needed to respond to emergency situations with newborns, and create a procurement plan to assure they can be on hand at all times. The medicines will be purchased in the most cost-effective manner possible. We estimate that preventing ruptures of essential medicines and supplies for a 60-bed unit will cost about $15,000 annually.
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