Zimbabwe has an estimated 1.8 million orphans, mostly due to HIV/AIDS. Poverty, AIDS and a poor economy has severely weakened the extended family which has traditionally played a vital role of being the natural care giver of the orphaned child. Moreover, the sheer numbers of AIDS orphans have overwhelmed other support services that have traditionally played a complimentary role in orphan care. Many children are destitute, hungry and lacking education with no way out.
TEL International makes resources available to caregivers of orphaned children in order to support their efforts at building their capacity to sustain the kids in their care. Through the provision of small livestock, infrastructure needs, training, and seed, this project allows the children’s nutritional levels to improve and helps them become self-sufficient, as they learn the skills of gardening and livestock rearing. The result is that children become healthier and do better in school.
This project also allows caregivers to generate and maintain a higher level of income and sustain it long-term. Between the education the children receive and the training they receive as they help raise animals, they gain important skills that will last them a lifetime, helping them break out of the cycle of poverty.
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