Tanzania is one of the most dangerous places in the world to give birth. In Dar es Salaam’s overcrowded labor wards, it’s not uncommon to see up to four women in one bed. Thousands of women every year, especially those with high-risk pregnancies, are victims of a system that lacks 24-hour emergency care, sufficient skilled staff, equipment, operating theaters and blood banks. The poorest women, who cannot afford alternatives to public services, don’t have access to the quality care they need.
Kupona and CCBRT want to change the status quo for Tanzanian women. They are addressing the most urgent gaps and strengthening the healthcare system by providing training, equipment and infrastructure improvements in 23 health facilities to improve the quality of care across the Dar es Salaam region. They are also building the CCBRT Maternity and Newborn Hospital, which is a specialist facility for emergency and high-risk deliveries, providing high quality care for even the poorest women.
CCBRT’s services will decrease stress on key public health facilities in the region by 50%, reducing facility-based mortality by up to 500 maternal deaths and 2,500 neonatal deaths each year. The new hospital will have the capacity for over 12,000 deliveries each year. It will improve Tanzania’s health infrastructure by introducing international best practices and a stronger referral system. Our vision? High quality maternal and newborn healthcare for all.
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