Water wells are a lifesaver for rural villagers in developing countries because the alternative is to collect domestic water from essentially mud puddles often shared with animals. In many instances, perfectly functional wells were built, but over time they break-down. Without a maintenance fund, and without water user committees to manage the resource, the wells became useless to the local villagers.
This program helps to replace broken hardware with new and reliable pumps and pipes that will bring existing water wells back to life. It is also designed to help villagers help themselves by forming water user committees to manage the water resource, including collecting reasonable user fees to build up a maintenance fund to pay for future repairs. The result is that people’s health improves from groundwater that is safe from waterborne pathogens, like cholera.
Women will save hours per day previously spent searching for water, giving them the time and opportunity to start or develop business. Family livelihoods will improve due to new sources of income; and children, particularly girls will spend more time in school, giving hope for the future.
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