Most childhood cancers are curable if detected early and treated effectively. The survival rate in Zimbabwe can only be improved through increased education about the signs and symptoms of childhood cancer, and improved effective treatment a major component of which, is access to chemotherapy.
We help our partners supply free chemotherapy drugs to children suffering with cancer in Zimbabwe, giving the child the right to the fight. In combination with this, we help fund all required diagnostic tests in order to obtain accurate and speedy diagnosis for life-saving treatment. Our national awareness and education outreach and parent support programs also aid in achieving the goal of increasing the survival rate of children with cancer in Zimbabwe.
Our goal is for the children suffering with cancer in Zimbabwe to have the same access to medical excellence while facing cancer as those children do in the developed world. Our overall goal is to increase the survival rate of children with cancer in Zimbabwe. Providing access to chemotherapy drugs and diagnostic testing, along with our other community services is working to make this goal a reality.
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