School Lunches to Kids in the Dominican Republic

School Lunches to Kids in the Dominican Republic

Over half of children in rural Dominican Republic are chronically malnourished and more than two-thirds drop out of school before reaching the fifth grade. The COVID-19 crisis has pushed even more families into poverty, worsening the child hunger crisis and disrupting their education. Because of this, children are at a higher risk of malnutrition and the long-term consequences of low education.

This project will provide nutritious school lunches to 1,200 students across six primary schools in rural Dominican Republic. Our aim is to improve child nutrition and education, focusing on communities where there are high rates of children living in poverty and at risk of hunger. The school lunches create a strong incentive for children to regularly attend school and reduce the school drop-out rate. In addition, the fresh produce is purchased from local farmers, generating income for the community.

The school lunch program provides a vital safety net for kids, ensuring that they have the nutrition they need to grow and learn. The school lunches provide vital nutrients that are necessary for the child’s physical and cognitive development. With lunch at school every day, children are able to focus on their teacher and learn more with a full belly. With good nutrition and a full education, children have the chance to make the most of their opportunities and break out of the cycle of poverty.

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